Monday, September 6, 2010


I returned on Saturday from my excursion all over Burgundy. It was beautiful but totally different from Provence--lots of hills, lush greenery, and of course, plenty of vineyards!

We saw so many cathedrals that they all are sort of running together but they were all beautiful! We also saw l'Hotel de Dieu is Beaune, and l'Abbaye de Fontenay-- both stunning! Unfortunately I forgot my camera entirely so I don't have pictures but I plan on stealing some from my friends so you will see them! We're actually starting a snapfish account for all of our pictures so that we can pick and choose what pictures we want and all of you at home can see them too! I'll be sure to post that link when I get it.

These past few days have been crazy. We're trying to cram a week full of class into two days! I'm just sitting in my room studying for a test tomorrow, prepare a presentation on the beaches of Normandy, and write a 2 page paper on monuments from the weekend. It definitely feels like a semester at Wake. Luckily, I leave on Wednesday for a week long trip to Normandy which I am SO excited for.

I promise I'll remember to bring my camera and my computer so I can update from the road! I hope everyone had a lovely memorial day and it was certainly bittersweet not spending it with all my loved ones in New York!! I'll update again soon


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